09 Sep

One thing I love when chatting with a client about a session, is talking about the setups, the colors and what direction we are going. For this particlar session, mom sent me a previous session I did with Pampas and I was super excited when I heard that because I LOVE PAMPAS! For me, anytime of the year is a good look for Pampas!We did other setups as well, but I feel like the PAMPAS setup was the ONE!  I added more pampas into this session, honestly, couldve used more but am on my way to getting more! Wow many times did I just  say Pampas in this paragraph, sorry not sorry! I love PAMPAS lol

This family also mentioned that big sis never got to have any milestones of her own, so, naturally they'd love some photos of just her because otherwise her mom guilt is going strong. Its not a problem at all, I love being able to capture special milestones and moments during these sessions as well so here we have big sis also being the start for a moment during this sessions!

I love photographing families with their new addition. Brings me back to when my own family became a family of four and just how special it was when they met their siblings! It makes my heart throb just a bit more when I get to capture the first sibling portraits for them and I know mom and dad next to me have ALL THE FEELS too........ 

So if you are expecting or know someone who is, please reach out, I would love to chat about a newborn session and all the fun things like setups and decor and outfits and colors!

Sandia Pantano Imaging and Photography, LLC

Northern Virginia Newborn Photographer

Reston, Virginia Newborn Photographer

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